Fitness Bullet Journal | Weekly Spread Ideas for a Healthy Life
We like to use a fitness bullet journal. Bullet journals are easy to use and customizable to your needs and objectives. From exercise goals to daily records and accomplishments, a fitness bullet journal offers a flexible format for anyone.
Many people desire new methods for achieving a healthier lifestyle and higher level of fitness. Some turn to nutrition, like the ketogenic diet. Others focus on exercise and weight loss.
However, the most effective method for many begins with identifying their current habits. There are several ways one can use a fitness bullet journal to track fitness habits and reach health goals.

One way is through a strategically-designed weekly spread. One of the best features of a fitness bullet journal is its flexibility. The format can vary, depending on whatever you wish to track.
For fitness, we’ve rounded up a list of weekly spread ideas you can use to record your plan, track your habits, and achieve your fitness goals. All you need to begin with is a bullet journal and a pen.

Some people also enjoy decorating their bullet journals with color and even stencils, although it isn’t necessary.
Create a Workout Schedule | Productive and Pretty
Weekly Spread Ideas | Little Coffee Fox
Simple Weekly Spread | Zen of Planning
Setting Fitness Goals | The Petite Planner
Weekly Wellness Goals | A Sweat Life
Fitness Bullet Journal | Weekly Spread Ideas for a Healthy Life
Tracking your fitness in a fitness bullet journal has a slew of benefits. The most important benefit is accountability. Keeping track allows you to see how often you have stuck to your plan and where you need improvements.
But it also allows you to see where adjustments need to be made which makes your workouts more efficient, motivating, and focused. All of these benefits contribute to the bigger picture: your health.
Ideas for Tracking Health | Sublime Reflection
Weekly Spread | Heart Handmade
Bullet Journal Trackers for Health | Planning Mindfully
Meal Planning | Boho Berry
Distance Running | Bullet Journal Joy
Fitness Bullet Journal
There are a few things you will want to keep track of while working out. You will want to track your weight and what exercises you do on which days. Leg day should not be every day.
You can also track your reps and sets and the weight of any tools you use if you use them. This will help you know when it is time to adjust things. Tracking your meals, calories, and carbs is also a good idea.

For example, low carb dieters tend to aim for 50 carbs or less per day. It’s easier to stay under that number if you know where you’re at when you eat.
Bullet Journal Sleep Log | Tiny Ray of Sunshine
Sleep Tracker + Free Printable | Mommy Over Work
Sleep Tracker | Bujo & Coffee
Sleep, Water, and Habit Tracker + Free Printable | Jolani Jolie
More Ideas for Your Fitness Bullet Journal
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