More of the Best Beer Names | Funny Beer Names
Brewers get very creative with names and often have fun dreaming up names for their beer. Sometimes, brewers think of names long before they actually create the beer. Here is a continuation of my list of hilarious names of beers!
As I finished the last group of Best Beer Names I soon realized that there are even more awesome ones floating around. They’re all so funny and creative that I decided another list was in order. There is something to be said about an excellent name.
Not only does a great name keep customers excited and intrigued, but it also draws in new customers and adds to the notoriety of the brand! Creativity plays a large role in the craft beer world. The very fact that we have More of the Best Beer Names is proof that it’s true!
If you like craft beer, there are a lot of ways you can learn more about it! You can also come up with your own home brew, DIY kits, and other brewing options so that you can create your own beer and give it a fun name!
More of the Best Beer Names | Funny Beer Names
Remember getting a treat as a kid in the form of a Popsicle? This IPA is an adult treat!
I Dunkeled in my Pants
I laugh out loud every time I hear this name. I would order this beer just because of the name; that’s saying something because I don’t usually order Dunkel beers.
Duck Duck Gooze
This wonderful play on words is for an American sour beer called Gueze. Everybody remembers the children’s game, now you can drink it too!
Streaking the Quad
This is another great play on words for a Belgian Quadruple beer. This brewer must have had a lot of fun in college!
Parking Violation
This beer comes from the brewery that gives us Damnation, Procrastination, and Supplication. This pale ale is called Parking Violation: great use of –ation on this one, like the others!
Panty Peeler
The name of this Belgian-style triple speaks for itself. Enough said.
Druid Fluid
Druid Fluid is an American Barley-Wine style ale brewed, aptly enough, by a brewery called Middle Ages Brewery.
Alimony Ale
No one likes to pay alimony but it would make it easier to pay if you could pay in beer! Or maybe you have to go grab a few of these after you make that alimony payment to ease your woes!
Crazy Ivan
A Crazy Ivan is a sharp turn made by a Russian submarine in the movie The Hunt for Red October, and now it’s also a Belgian ale brewed by Bear Republic.
Haulin’ Oats Stout
I love beer names that I can relate to, beers that help me reminisce about my youth. This stout is a play on the singing duo from the 80’s.
Baron Von Awesome
I think the name of this Wheat ale says it all…right there in the name.
Blithering Idiot
You may become one if you drink all of this English-style barley wine from Weryerbacher Brewing Company!
Aurora Hoppyalis
This delicious IPA comes to us from San Diego. I guess since you can’t see the Aurora Borealis from San Diego, you will have to settle for Aurora Hoppyalis!
Substance Abuse
I know some people might not like this name, but it sure piques my curiosity. Another beer I would order just for the name!
Lumpy Gravy
Completely wrong for a beer name! Nobody likes lumpy beer. But they do like Lumpy Gravy! That’s why this name works so well.
Badonka Dunkel
I think that Dunkel beers have the best names. All of the names using Dunkel have been the funniest and this one doesn’t disappoint either!
Hoptimus Prime
A great pun name from the Transformers series, a play on the name of one character: Optimus Prime.
Donkey Punch
If you don’t know what a Donkey Punch is, Google it. It is way too graphic for this forum, but the beer is delicious!
Tastes Like Burning (Ralph Wiggum’s Revenge)
Any Simpson fan will love the name of this smoked beer from Ithaca Brewing Company.
Apocalypse Cow
Francis Ford Coppola would love this double IPA because it has a great pun for a name.
Sound it out, folks, read it out loud….Enough said!
Hops of Wrath
If grapes are the heart of wine, then hops are the heart of beer. So therefore, the name fits! It’s easy reasoning after a few of these brews!
Hop puns are awesome. This is a great name for an IPA.
Notorious H.O.P.
Ok, this is the last hop pun on this list. This Double IPA boasts that it has 141 IBU’s. Taste it and see for yourself…and have some fun singing your favorite Notorious B.I.G. songs along the way.
Pigs Ass Porter
I don’t know how this brewery came up with this name for their dark ale but it is kind of funny none the less!
Ill Tempered Gnome
This is a winter warmer beer that features an angry gnome on its label. Stand back! He’s an Ill Tempered Gnome.
Old Leghumper
If you have ever had a dog who liked to hump legs, then I’m sure you can relate to this American porter’s name from Thirsty Dog Brewing!

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