17 Ways to Lose 3 Pounds in 2 Days
It is entirely possible that starving yourself will cause your body to hold onto weight instead of getting rid of it. But there are healthy ways to lose 3 pounds in 2 days that will not require you to starve your body of nutrients.
To be clear, it is not healthy to starve yourself trying to lose weight in just a couple of days. Health is the most important thing to remember when it comes to finding ways to lose 3 pounds in 2 days if you want to be successful.
If you’re looking for ways to lose 3 pounds in 2 days, you will want to make sure you’re prepared for what’s to come. Those 2 days will require effort and work but can be healthy and successful.

There is no need to starve yourself or work out until you collapse. Instead, there are healthy ways to lose weight that require a few simple changes to your diet and exercise.
Many of these methods involve making sure you stay hydrated and could also help you develop a few new healthy routines.
Sugar Detox | Best Health Page
Carb Detox | Krazy Fit Life
Military Diet | Diet vs Disease
How to Lose As Many Pounds as Possible in 2 Days | Livestrong
Water Diet Plan | Now Loss
Easiest Weight Loss Plan Ever | Prevention
17 Ways to Lose 3 Pounds in 2 Days
Losing weight is never easy, but shedding a couple of pounds can be done in a few days. We must be very disciplined during those days, but it can be done. These meal plans and recipes can help you along the way.
The method is simple: increase your workouts and decrease your calorie intake. It’s going to be that simple.
14 Tricks to Drop up to 5 Pounds in a Week | Cosmopolitan
7 Day Meal Plan | Eating Well
Surprising Weight Loss Tips | Shape
Extreme Weight Loss | Fit Mole
6 Strategies to Lose Weight | Mayo Clinic
How to Lose Weight | Diet Doctor

Tips for Losing Weight
We already know what would happen if we simply skipped meals and tried to starve a few pounds off. But we can do things the right way. The right way is often hard to do, which is why we aren’t shedding pounds left and right.
But dedication will take you a long way. You will reach your goals with the various ways to lose 3 pounds.
The 3 Day Diet | Super Skinny Me
The Wild Diet | Fat-Burning Man
The GM Diet | Stylecraze
Anti-Starvation Diet | Thrive Strive

Even More Weight Loss Tips
15 Clean Eating Tips for Beginners | Diet is a big part of losing weight, but eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult.
Best Snacks to Eat at Night for Weight Loss | In fact, you can even snack while trying to lose weight, so long as you use the right snacks.
Best Juices for Quick Weight Loss | Juice is a great weight loss tool that may even speed up the process a little.
21 Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipes for Weight Loss | We all know it, we all hate it, but it works: apple cider vinegar works.
7 Quick Ways to Boost Weight Loss for Good | Boosting your efforts can’t hurt either. You will want to ensure you do it safely and healthily.