New Year Quotes to Inspire a Fresh Start in January
Why do we want to change something about ourselves every new year? The answer could help us determine how big of a change we need to make. But the gravity of the change doesn’t matter; we need some New Year quotes to inspire that change.
The best New Year quotes to inspire could help us make resolutions and motivate us to reach our New Year goals. There are many ways to fix a problem, but first, we have to address and name the problem.
The question posed is this: why do we make New Year’s resolutions? The answer? According to Psychology Today, we make resolutions to take control. We are constantly dealing with things that are out of our control.

Take a drive to the corner store and realize that you can drive defensively, but you can’t control how others drive around you. Work is obvious; sometimes, even our home lives seem to be ruled by outside forces.
Ultimately, we don’t always feel in control of our own lives. Add to this that the new year is filled with the unknown. We have no idea what the future holds for us and New Year’s Eve is a time when the entire theme of the night is the unknown.

New Year Quotes to Inspire a Fresh Start in January
That is why we reach for an anchor, something to hold us down in reality as we enter a new year filled with questions. Our resolutions are the answers we give ourselves to feel safe and secure and know what to expect in the new year.
The lack of follow-through on resolutions could calm our fears of the unknown. That is far easier to swallow than we suck at keeping our word to ourselves. But why settle for an excuse when we can follow through on that promise we made to ourselves?

Yes, a New Year’s resolution may be a security blanket, but we picked out our own personal blanket for a reason. The blanket you choose could be one thing you know you need or want to work on.
That is why we should attempt to stick to those resolutions as much as possible. We can do that with New Year quotes to inspire a fresh start and a strong finish.

“Celebrate endings-for they precede new beginnings.” -Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The year has come to an end, and a new one is beginning. This is the start of something amazing; we just have to be willing to step into the new year with goals, dreams, and a severe lack of fear.

“Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!” -Anthony de Mello
The biggest mistake any of us could make is trying to avoid the future. It is coming; we can’t stop it. Welcome it, instead. Life becomes a whole lot easier when you just open those arms to what life has in store for you.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” -C.S. Lewis
These New Year quotes to inspire are not just for the young but for the young at heart, as well. There is nothing worse than getting stuck in a rut in old age. Who said you aren’t allowed to find a new goal, or dream a new dream?

“You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.” -Dr. Seuss
We all want to fill our lives with happiness and joy as much as possible. However, we don’t always know if we will like something. This is fear taking a hold of our lives and preventing us from living it. Not anymore.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” -J.P Morgan
Some are happy with where they are in life, others know things could get better. Those who know things could get better need to start moving. Life is not just going to hand you good things.

“Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, do it. Make your mistakes next year and forever.” -Neil Gaiman
Fear is the number one killer of dreams; we all know that. We can bring that down to a more manageable level. Fear is the number one killer of progress in any way. Don’t let fear stop you from improving your life.

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” -Taylor Swift
Swifties have one thing right in these New Year quotes to inspire, time for a change. That change doesn’t need to be big, and it could go either way for us. However, living a life in fear is no life at all.

“You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” -Hillary DePiano
There is nothing wrong with being excited about something. Anyone who tries to rain on your parade is just jealous that you have found happiness. Don’t let them get away from it; instead, let your excitement shine.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
We shouldn’t let a single day pass without doing something that makes us feel great. This is how we live every day with intention and make our lives happy on our own. We shouldn’t rely on others for our happiness.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.” -Nido Qubein
We can’t always control everything that happens in our lives. It is important to remember to focus on the things we can control. Don’t let circumstances prevent you from reaching your goals.

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