10 Mother’s Day Quotes Perfect for Homemade Cards
Many moms say that the gift doesn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts. The thought can often be found behind the gift but also, in a card. Make your own card with the best Mother’s Day quotes that are perfect for homemade cards.
Mother’s Day quotes can help you put together the best homemade cards to either be the gift or come with the gift you get her. Mother’s Day is the day we celebrate mom even more than we do throughout the rest of the year.
While it is true that we never love our mothers less, on Mother’s Day, we make sure we show that love and appreciation. One of the best ways to show your love and appreciation is to make your own gift for mom.

But sometimes, mom has a request of her own, and we want to fulfill that request. Getting Mom a gift is great, especially if she wants something, like some extra pampering or something she can enjoy over the warm summer months.
But, adding an extra bit of love is always a good idea. You could add that love with some Mother’s Day quotes that you add to a homemade Mother’s Day card. That card could go along with a gift or it could be the gift.

The most important thing is that you make the card with love.
10 Mother’s Day Quotes Perfect for Homemade Cards

“Not always eye to eye, but always heart to heart.”
The best Mother’s Day quotes are the ones you can relate to the most. Mom means everything to so many of us. We have to be sure that the words we share with her represent us.

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.”
Moms don’t know everything; let’s face it. But they know everything about us, and that’s all we need. They can use that knowledge to help us find our way, especially when times get tough.

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever.”
Mother’s Day quotes can be handwritten on a card or printed onto a tag. You can do whatever you’d like with them. You just need to make sure you present them to her in a way that means something to her.

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.”
We can’t expect moms to be perfect; no one is. But moms have a unique talent to be whatever we need them to be when we need them most. That is what it means to be a mother.

“Who needs superheroes when I have a mom?”
Superhero movies have given us the idea that heroes need to wear capes and have super strength. But the best example of a superhero is the mother who puts her heart and soul into motherhood.

“It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.”
Nothing against dads; they are great people who try their best. But moms often go above and beyond their best. That is what makes them special. After all, they did all of the heavy lifting.

“What I am, you helped me to be.”
These Mother’s Day quotes remind us just how much our moms mean to us. But they also help us self-reflect on what Mom has given us. Sure, she gave us a meal here and there and paid for a lot. But she gave us our personalities.

“A mom’s hug lasts long after she lets go.”
Moms don’t have to be physically holding you for you to know she is there. That is why a hug from mom lasts long after she lets go. Sometimes, that is a bad thing, but other times, it’s the warmth we need in the cold.

“Behind every great kid is a great mom.”
Great kids weren’t born great. Instead, these kids were raised correctly by their mothers. That is what makes their hard work worth every second. They instill in us the tools we need to become great along the way.

“First my mother, forever my friend.”
We didn’t get to choose our mothers. But we do get to learn how to choose them as we grow. There are tough spots, like our early teen years, and arguments here and there. But there is no one who can replace your mother.

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