Funny Sibling Quotes for National Siblings Day
There is nothing quite like having a sibling. Some days we love them, and they seem like our closest friends. But they can quickly become our arch-nemesis. It is an exciting relationship that is loving and funny. Funny sibling quotes can help us get closer together.
Funny sibling quotes could help us get closer to our siblings or just make us laugh together as a family. Having a sibling is a unique experience that not everyone has in their life.
Our siblings are there for us when we need them and sometimes when we don’t. But you have to take the bad with the good; otherwise, the good wouldn’t be special.

Siblings are often our first best friends and the ones who will stick by us no matter what. Of course, that’s not to take away from a chosen family, as a chosen family might be just that much better.
But siblings are the ones who will help us grow from the moment we are born. They help us learn the hardships of life while also teaching us the ropes. You might have an older brother who made fun of your haircuts but also helped you learn to talk to the opposite sex.

Your younger sister may have taught you to deal with jealousy without trying to, but you still feel that you need to protect her. Siblings end up being like a team, oftentimes going up against their parents but sometimes going up against the world together.
We can’t help but love them, even if every moment isn’t perfect. That’s why we can use some funny sibling quotes for National Siblings Day. They can make us laugh together with our siblings but also serve as reminders.

Even though there are some bad times with our siblings, they are still the ones we can rely on when we need someone most.
Funny Sibling Quotes for National Siblings Day

My sister is my best friend until she tells on me. Then, she’s my worst enemy.
Siblings have a way of changing their personalities with each other. One minute, they can be your best friend, ready to take on the world with you. The next, they can be the destroyer of our worlds.

My sister is me idol, my bestie, and soulmate…Until she borrows my clothes without asking.
Why do siblings feel they have a right to our things? They need to learn that they have a place, and it is not in our space. Leave my stuff alone or I will have to break out the big guns.

No one fights harder or loves harder than a pair of sibs.
That is the thing about siblings. We love them with everything even though we didn’t choose them. But that love can be taken advantage of and that is what leads to fights as strong as our love.

Mom and dad may have loved you first and for longer, but remember, they’ll always believe me over you.
This is the trade-off between siblings. The eldest will always get the most attention. But the youngest is always trusted more. There is no balance, this is war.

A sibling is the one person you can be the weirdest version of yourself with. They’ll still make fun of you, though.
We fall for this trap every single time. They will be kind and considerate as we spill our guts to them. But one wrong move and that stuff will come up as the first blow in an argument.

A sibling relationship is unique in that you can go from being mortal enemies to best friends multiple times a day.
It’s not even mood swings. It is just the way of the world. There is nothing we can do about it. It comes with the territory of living together for years even though we didn’t want to in the first place.

I have lots of best friends, but my siblings are my main ones.
There is no friend like a sibling. Mostly because they are stuck with us no matter what we do or say. Sure, they can disown us, but we know they will be back come Christmas.

The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other.
Still, thick or thin, siblings are the ones we can rely on. We can rely on them using whatever it is against us. But better to deal with their crap than to deal with anything else without them.

Sibling: a combination of a best friend and a pain in the neck.
We can go even further. These are the best friends that can be together forever. There is no turning our backs on them. Even when we think we do, we know they will be back again.

Side by side, or miles apart, we shall always be connected by the heart.
These sibling quotes can remind us that we are not alone in how our relationships swing up and down. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, some say it will help keep us mentally strong.

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