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Valentine’s Day Party Decorations for Kids

Valentine’s Day is about sharing kind words with others and learning how to care for your friends and kids. Schools often throw Valentine’s Day parties for students and teachers to decorate classrooms. Teachers and parents can use some of the best Valentine’s Day party decorations for kids.

Get crafty and DIY yourself some amazing Valentine’s Day party decorations for kids so they can celebrate the holiday in their own ways. DIY Crafts | DIY Valentine's Day Crafts | Valentine's Day Ideas | Valentine's Day for Kids | Things to do on Valentine's Day | Valentines Day Activities for Kids | Valentines Day Party Ideas | Valentines Day Party Decorations

Valentine’s Day is a time when love is in the air and shown in many different ways. Get crafty and DIY yourself some amazing Valentine’s Day party decorations for kids so they can celebrate the holiday in their own ways.

If there was ever a holiday that screamed DIY crafts, it would be Valentine’s Day. There’s nothing better than putting your heart into Valentine’s Day crafts. In fact, that’s a good way to get Valentine’s Day party decorations for kids.

Valentine's Day Party Decorations for Kids Close Up of a Young Girls Hands in Mittens Cupped Together Holding Red and Pink Hearts

All you would need is supplies like paper or cardstock, glue, scissors, cardboard, colored markers, and perhaps a bit of crafting magic. Then, you would need some inspiration and some ideas that can come together to make the Valentines Day crafts fun for kids.

When all is said and done, you will have the best Valentine’s Day decorations for your home or classroom.

Heart Suncatchers | Fireflies and Mud Pies

Heart Wreath | The Resourceful Mama

Love Bug Sticks | Sunshine Whispers

Heart Pinata | Red Ted Art

Heart Chains | One Creative Mommy

DIY Valentine's Day Party Decorations for Kids A Piece of Paper with a Heart Drawn on it Sitting on a Table with a Box of Crayons Nearby

Valentine’s Day Party Decorations for Kids

We already know how to decorate for Halloween, Christmas, and even the Fourth of July. But we don’t really see a whole section at the store for Valentine’s decorations.

Instead, we see chocolates, stuffed animals, and flowers. Luckily, the craft store will have everything you need to create your own decorations for the holiday of love.

Valentine's Day Party Decorations for Kids a Banner of Pink and Red Hearts

Kids may not understand love just yet; we adults may not either. But kids can still get involved in the celebrations, just in a different way. Instead of celebrating the love of two people, they can celebrate friendship, family, and just caring for your fellow humans. 

Heart Puzzle Wreath | A Few Shortcuts

Thumbprint Heart Jars | It All Started With Paint

Yarn Wrapped Hearts | Kaylee Eylander

Valentine’s Day Votives | Homemade Serenity

Conversation Heart Printable Decor | Val Event Gal

Get crafty and DIY yourself some amazing Valentine’s Day party decorations for kids so they can celebrate the holiday in their own ways. DIY Crafts | Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids | DIY Crafts for Kids | Holiday DIY Crafts

Decorating for Valentine’s Day

We used to hand out special little cards with fun characters and sayings on them at school. Each student would put a bag on their desk, and then everyone would go around and place a card in each bag.

That is a great tradition, and it still happens in some classrooms around the country. But it helps to add a touch of love around the classroom during the season.

Valentine's Day Party Decorations for Kids Close Up of a Pink Flower with a Small Heart-Shaped Gold Piece Inside

We can use Valentine’s Day decorations as a way to slowly come back down from our holiday highs leftover from Christmas and New Year’s. Think of it as a buffer between the magic of the holiday season and the magic of spring.

Heart Art | Design Improvised

Valentine’s Day Windsocks | Non-Toy Gifts

Glitter and Watercolor Confetti Garland | Burlap and Blue

Valentine’s Day Flower Wreath | The House That Lars Built

Tulle Garland | My So Called Crafty Life

Get crafty and DIY yourself some amazing Valentine’s Day party decorations for kids so they can celebrate the holiday in their own ways. DIY Crafts | DIY Valentine's Day Crafts | Valentine's Day Ideas | Valentine's Day for Kids | Things to do on Valentine's Day | Valentines Day Activities for Kids | Valentines Day Party Ideas | Valentines Day Party Decorations

More Valentine’s Day Ideas

35 DIY Valentines Day Crafts for Kids that Will Save Parents Money | Crafting is not only a fun way to spend quality time with family. It is often more affordable, too!

DIY No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas | This is all about Valentine’s Day, but DIY doesn’t have to start and stop with a single holiday.

15 Free Christmas Printables | Christmas Signs | You can even print some Christmas magic when we get back around the sun again.

Summer Decorations for an Outdoor Party to Remember | Summer is a little closer than the rest of the holidays and there is still stuff to celebrate.

July 4th Decorations | Fourth of July Front Doors that Pop | Especially the Fourth of July. People focus on decorating the sky, but we can also be patriotic in other ways.

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