10 Funny Wine Glass Sayings | Wine Glass Gifts
One or two…or even an entire collection of funny wine glasses are a fun alternative to traditional glasses for enjoying a night in with friends, relaxing after a particularly challenging day, or giving as a perfect gift to your wine-loving friend.
There are different wine glasses for different wines: glasses for red wine, white wine, and sparkling wine. Wine glasses can be stemmed or stemless; some are even made of acrylic or another shatterproof material.
Funny Wine Glass Sayings should make you smile and get your imagination going, so uncork a bottle and list your own sayings while you enjoy a glass of wine!

Some of these Funny Wine Glass Saying glasses can be purchased, and some are just waiting to be your next DIY project. Many funny sayings are printed on vinyl or as decals and can be found in craft supply stores.
If you are really crafty, you may want to make your own from scratch! We admire all the crafty DIY wine drinkers, however, it may not be wise to drink wine while engaging in said craft.
In fact, if you want to liven up your own wine glass collection, or you need a last-minute gift for a friend or a girl’s weekend, funny wine glass sayings are a creative and fun way to make happy hour even happier! Cheers to that!

10 Funny Wine Glass Sayings | Wine Glass Gifts
Girls Just Wanna Have Wine | Wanelo
I Do Yoga, Just Kidding I Drink Wine in Yoga Pants | Wine Turtle
Poor Me (More Wine) | Lakeside
You Look Like I Need A Drink | Snark City
If You Have to Ask If It’s Too Early to Drink… | Shop Forever New Orleans
Toast to Humor
Humor isn’t hard to achieve a few glasses of wine deep. In fact, the deeper you go, the funnier things can be for you. But that shouldn’t be the goal. After all, wine is meant to be enjoyed, not a ticket to enjoyment.
However, these funny wine glass sayings are a perfect example. You can have a laugh before you even start drinking. Simply get these sayings etched onto a wine glass and use that glass regularly.

You should get a nice little laugh or smile every time you reach for the glass. In fact, that’s how you start your drinking sesh with humor.
Hocus Pocus I Need Wine to Focus | Leap of Faith Crafting
Oh Look, It’s Wine O’Clock! | Creative Fabrica
Classy / Sassy / Smart Assy | Got Me Tipsy
I Didn’t Text You, Wine Texted You | Dump a Day
Let’s Drink Wine and Judge People | Piper Lou Collection

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