Valentines Memes for Singles | Quotes to Laugh at Love
Not everyone has someone. There’s nothing wrong with being alone on Valentine’s. After all, there are plenty of Valentines memes for singles that may help…or not.
Valentine’s Day is here, meaning people will celebrate the love in their lives. Valentines memes for singles help you forget about Valentines Day gifts you won’t get or Valentines dinner recipes you won’t need.
Being alone on Valentine’s Day sucks. We can talk up a big game, but there is that moment when you see a jewelry commercial about Valentine’s Day sales that just hits differently. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being single.

We can talk for hours and hours about how societal norms cause more harm than they do good and that what other people think of us doesn’t matter. But it’s ingrained in us, and there’s simply nothing we can do to avoid it all of the time.
On the other hand, finding a date for one night and hoping it works out is a lot of pressure; pressure we just don’t need. Luckily, laughing helps, especially when we’re laughing at ourselves.

Valentine’s Day really is just a single day that will be gone when we wake up, and everyone will have moved on. In fact, think about those times you were in a relationship during Valentine’s Day.
You prepped, cleaned, shaved, and did your hair, and then it was gone in the morning, and life was normal again. That’s great news for singles. We still need something to do to keep our minds off of the pain of being alone on Valentine’s Day.

Luckily, there’s always ice cream, chocolate for one, and some pretty funny Valentines memes for singles that will help. These memes are perfect for laughing at our own pain.
Laughing through the tears and making everything feel more lighthearted. That’s precisely what we need.

Valentines Memes for Singles | Quotes to Laugh at Love

Love disappoints; pizza is eternal.

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and I don’t know what to get myself…

(Me on Valentine’s Day) I only have eyes for me.

There’s nothing I am better at doing than being single!

This year’s Valentine’s Day I will enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.

I like to look at myself more as a free agent than a lonely single on Valentine’s Day.

Roses are red, violets are blue, vodka costs less than dinner for two.

If you’re sad about being alone on Valentine’s Day, just remember…nobody loves you on the other days of the year, either.

When you remember you don’t have to shower because you’re single on Valentine’s Day.

Me, single on Valentine’s Day when someone asks if love is in the air: air freshener.

Cocktails Recipes We All Need
Banana Creme Rum and Orange Juice Cocktail. | Ice cream is a good way to deal with the loneliness. But so are cocktails.
Best Beer Cocktail Recipes. | You don’t need fancy cocktails, either. You can just make something with beer.
15 Easy Whiskey Drinks Anyone Can Make. | You can also break out the whiskey for something a little different.
Easy Mai Tai Recipe. | Mai Tai’s are great for when you want to transport yourself somewhere else…mentally.
Blood Orange Margarita Recipe. | You can’t go wrong with margaritas, especially blood orange margaritas.