Best Quotes About Change for the Better
One of the main reasons I love Pinterest is for the quotes! I love looking up quotes about all kinds of things. One really awesome search I often do is for the best quotes about change. Change is inevitable in this life. Instead of fearing change or fighting to stop it, I like to find reasons why I should embrace change!
Quotes about change are full of wisdom and inspiration; they can help get you through tough moments. Quotes about change are a great way to gain wisdom on the topic, but they also remind me that I’m not alone.
Someone else out there is fighting through the same emotions and struggles that I’m feeling. There’s something really comforting about knowing I’m not alone. Quote about change can also help me take the leap when I’m feeling right.
Best Quotes About Change for the Better

Be Uncomfortable
“Great things never came from comfort zones.”
This quote is incredible because staying stuck in my comfort zone doesn’t always immediately seem like a bad idea. Staying stuck somewhere I’m comfortable isn’t the worst thing in the world but it does stop me from pushing forward to grow and change and win new battles!

Plot Twist
“When something seems to go wrong in your life just yell “plot twist”, and move on.”
This one always makes me smile because I can really see myself shouting “PLOT TWIST” when something seems to be falling apart. Imagining the looks on people’s faces just makes me feel totally silly. Another reason this is such a great quote is that it makes me question what is really worth getting upset over!

Face Your Fears
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.”
Fear makes me stop dead in my tracks sometimes. Fear stops me fast but I try not to let it keep me down for too long. This quote reminds me that if I refuse to step outside my comfort zone and confront my fears, I can’t make any changes, even ones I know I want to make!

You are not a Tree
“If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”
Trees grow strong and tall and permanent the longer they remain in a thriving environment. You and I, we’re not trees. We are not forced to stay in any given environment or situation. When things look grim and the situation I am in no longer serves me or grows me, I have to look at this quote and move on.

Change is Good
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”
This quote reminds me that working hard at something doesn’t mean I’ll succeed but it does mean I’m learning and changing. As long as I’m learning and changing I’m serving my main goals!

Old vs. New
“Old ways won’t open new doors.”
I love that this quote inspires me to delight in change! Doing something the same way over and over again will guarantee the same results. If I want a new result I have to do something different!

On the Hunt
“I’m on the hunt for who I’ve not yet become.”
This quote always strikes me as so profound. It’s a great way to look at life. Constantly being on the hunt for the person I want to be means I’m always working on changing and growing! That’s a win!
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