Quotes for People Who Lost a Loved One
Some of those lows can feel so low. Losing a loved one is one of those low points. We don’t have to go through that grief alone. We can use quotes for people who lost a loved one.

Death is not an easy thing to deal with, not for anyone. Death has been a part of life since the first breath that was ever taken. Unfortunately, it is something everyone will have to deal with at some point in their lives.
But we can learn from those who have dealt with it before. We can take what they have to say and pay attention to them. Easier said than done, especially if the death has been recent.
But we need to take the time to listen to those who have gone through it; they have made it through the low and came out on the other side; you can do the same thing.
You can use quotes for people who lost a loved one to feel not so alone, learn something new about yourself, and come out on the other side of this. Death is a part of life, but that doesn’t mean it is always easy.

You can find resources that may help if you feel like you’re having a tough time dealing with loss. In fact, you can call 775-784-8090 in the US to just talk with someone, no strings attached.
There is nothing wrong with having to get a little help when you are feeling low. That is what community is all about.
Quotes for People Who Lost a Loved One
“But what is grief if not love persevering?” -Vision
Grief is often looked at as a negative. But there are always different perspectives we can take. Grief is a reminder of love, that love is not leaving us; it is persevering.
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” -Mitch Albom
We don’t lose any part of the relationship we had with a loved one who has passed. They will always be your mother, father, aunt, uncle, or grandparent; whatever they were to you before remains.
“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” -Mahatma Gandhi
One of the things people are affected by is not saying goodbye. But there is no goodbye between loved ones. They will always be with us and we will always be with them.
“When you lose someone you love, you gain an angel, you know.” -Unknown
Is there anything better than having a person on the inside? Now, you have a guardian angel who will be with you during the hard times and celebrating with you during the good.
“The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder of the joy of loving you.” -Dean Jackson
Without dark, there is no light; without sadness, there is no happiness. Any pain you feel represents the power of the love you share. Embrace that love and let it show you its power.
“Grief is the price we pay for love.” -Queen Elizabeth II
Nothing in this world is forever. It is important to recognize what the grief represents. We often let it overrun us in negative ways. But we should let it serve as a reminder of love.
“The very worst part of grief is that you can’t control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes. And let it go when we can.” -Grey’s Anatomy
The one thing we can’t do is let grief control our lives for the rest of our lives. Give in and let grief do what it needs to so we can move on in a healthy way. And remember, moving on is not forgetting, it’s about learning to celebrate the memory.
“What they never tell you about grief is that missing someone is the simple part.” -Gail Caldwell
We often miss friends and family members. But we know we can see them eventually. This type of missing someone is very different. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make it through.
“You gave me a forever within the numbered days…” -The Fault in Our Stars
The memories we have of the ones we lost is how they continue to live on in us. The things they taught us, the laughs we shared. They will be with us forever, no matter how long they were in our lives.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” -Unknown
We will always feel that loss and be reminded of it when we don’t. But moving on is not about forgetting anything, even the grief. Moving on is about learning to be happy even while missing someone.

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