Best Ways to Lose Water Weight
We often hear that water weight is the reason our diet doesn’t seem to work. Here’s the truth: Water retention is both good and bad. If your body is retaining water, it’s because your diet contains too much salt or too many carbohydrates. For women, the best ways to lose water weight aren’t terribly difficult.

We all fight the same battle with the scale. Our ongoing struggle is with fat, but water weight can also be an issue. The best ways to lose water weight will help you shed those annoying pounds that keep you from feeling and looking your best.

Best Ways to Lose Water Weight
Yep, you read that correctly. Water weight is something that there is no 100 percent guaranteed way to lose. Women everywhere just need to come to terms with the fact that water weight is part of our daily struggle.
Still, we want to manage our weight as much as possible because maintaining a healthy weight is key to overall health and wellness.
Avoid Salt
Salt is the biggest reason our body will retain water. If you don’t believe this one, try it out. Lower your salt intake and experience less water retention. Keep in mind, though, that salt is a necessary evil.
Our bodies need a certain amount to function correctly, so you can’t cut it out entirely! Find the right amount of salt for you and stick with it every day. If managing your salt intake doesn’t fix your water weight problems just remember, salt isn’t the only factor here so it’s not a complete fix.
Here’s the deal: exercise is good for losing fat and staying fit, but it is counterproductive for losing water weight. When you have an intense workout, your muscles will retain water to heal themselves.
Water retention in our muscles will add to our water weight. However, in the long run, exercise helps blood flow. Blood flow helps aid the body to rid itself of water weight and the increase in lymphatic fluids helps as well.
It’s a concession we have to be willing to make in the name of overall good health.
Managing your diet is the most essential part of losing weight. Some people even say that the fight for weight loss isn’t in the gym; it’s in the kitchen. That means you need to visit the kitchen and find out where your most significant problem areas are right from the start.
Starvation doesn’t go hand in hand with weight loss, especially water weight loss. There was an experiment called the Minnesota Starvation Experiment (MSE). In the MSE, men were starved, and what was found was a lot of water retention.
Some of the men had swollen legs, ankles, and other body parts. The cure? Adding a few calories to their diets. That boils down to this: you need to eat; you just need to eat the right things.
Women retain water starting at a week before their menstrual cycle. One way to battle that water retention is to take vitamins, specifically magnesium. Magnesium helps reduce water retention before a cycle but only after two months of taking the vitamins.
You can also add Vitamin B6 to your daily vitamins for a little extra boost!

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