Funny Backpacking Quotes to Remember
Backpacking through the woods or even just going for a hike is a great way to decompress. We get the good vibes from doing something healthy but also escape from the annoyances of suburbia. That escape allows us to reflect and come up with some funny backpacking quotes.
Funny backpacking quotes won’t add any weight to your pack, but they will lighten the mood while dealing with an incline. We can always rely on historical figures like John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, and Mark Twain to provide us with some profound words about nature.
Those words could help motivate us to make it last across the uneven surfaces of the trail and to the top of the mountain. However, we aren’t getting much laughs from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s inspiring words.

Sure, they may be enough to motivate us to take that first single step toward the best view at one of the great places in the world, but are they funny hiking quotes? No, not really.
The top of a mountain is reserved for those who can make it there with a smile on their face. We need good things and funny quotes to share with our best friend as we start panting within a short walking distance because the incline is killer, and your left leg is starting to cramp.

These funny backpacking quotes are perfect captions to go under your social media post, proving to others that you aren’t in worse shape than they thought. You can take the day’s walk to the next level in a beautiful place devoid of over-civilized people.
In fact, some people say that getting out into nature is man’s best medicine, if not the journey than the most amazing views you get at the top. Reach for these quotes for a good laugh before you decide to turn back after you take a trail mix break.

It may be the hardest climb with an uphill struggle that comes from the hiking trail from hell, but you are headed toward the mountain top, where there is no such thing as a bad mood.
Don’t forget to take those hiking photos to prove you did it. Otherwise, you just went on an early morning walk.
Funny Backpacking Quotes to Remember

What’s the Definition of an acorn tree? In a nutshell, it’s an oak.
There are roughly 90 different species of oak, and each one produces acorns. Some of those acorns are different from the others. We aren’t after acorns here, though. Instead, we want a laugh, and only the smartest person on the trail will laugh because they understand that the great outdoors are made great by puns.

I don’t mind hiking through the forest. It’s pine.
Every avid hiker has a favorite geography to traverse. Some like to have views; others like to hide away in the forest. Both options are fantastic for an outdoor adventure. We can open our minds and enjoy the fresh air that comes with every hike.
Unless you hike Lassen, then may you have the sense of smell as a dolphin. The scenic route is always a great time, but Lassen is just straight sulfur the entire hike.

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
The last thing anyone wants to see on their next hike is a bear. Of course, safety is a priority, so we have great sayings like, “if it’s brown, run fast, don’t lay down.” And, “If it’s black lay down, don’t fight back.”
Or something; those could be switched. It makes more sense to switch them: brown lay down, black fight back. Just be prepared; chances are you won’t be running into a Gummi Bear here, there, or anywhere.

How did the egg get up the mountain? It scrambled up.
These funny backpacking quotes don’t come at an extra cost and can help guide you in the right direction. This one, in particular, shows us that even eggs can make it up the mountain, the scrambled.
You can scramble, too! Maybe not quite the same way as an egg, but special shoes could change that. We just need a better connection to the trail.

Why did the backpacker invite the bear to their campsite? They wanted to have a “Bear”becue party!
Hiking can lead to great things like new friends or more substantial connections with good company. Our choice would be the latter since no one really wants to invite a bear to their campsite.
Best to just use these funny backpacking quotes as funny captions and not actual words of motivation or advice. Let’s keep that job assigned to Muir, Thoreau, and Twain.

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