10 Funny Valentines Quotes
People everywhere are celebrating the love they have in their lives. But what about those who don’t have love in their lives? Well, those people can laugh at love and celebrate friendships instead. Funny Valentines quotes will help.
Funny Valentines quotes can help those who need a good laugh on Valentine’s Day, especially if things aren’t going well. Hearts, chocolates, flowers, diamonds, fancy dinners, these are the things that people utilize to help them celebrate the love of their lives.
But not everyone has love the way as others. In fact, some people are trying to avoid love altogether. Others are dealing with loves that have let them down. Either way, there is always a reason to have a good laugh.

You can use funny Valentines quotes to help you laugh things off or the blues away. These quotes are not to poke fun at those enjoying themselves on Valentine’s Day.
Instead, these quotes are to laugh at love and learn that life doesn’t have to always go according to plan. Even the downsides of life could have a little laughter in them.
10 Funny Valentines Quotes
“Remember, your Valentine’s card shows you care enough to send the very best, even though you’re too lazy to put it in your own words.” – Melanie White
We are a flawed species, and those flaws are on full display to the one we love. Maybe your flaw is laziness, not a problem. These funny Valentines quotes will help you find the words you need.
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz
The Beatles said it, and we ran with it. But really, love is far from all you need. A life without chocolate seems dull and boring. That’s why you should definitely not forget to pick up some chocolates for your partner.
“Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on x-rays, but you know it’s there.” – George Burns
There are plenty of pains we feel as we get older. Back pain is among the most common, but love is a close second. Wait, is it love that is the pain or causes the pain? We will never know.
“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet service to see who they really are.” – Will Ferrell
Have you ever used a computer with slow internet service? It is a frustrating experience that pulls the real you out. Be sure to download or save these 10 funny Valentines quotes just in case you need them quicker.
“The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works 24/7, 365 from birth until you fall in love.” Sophie Monroe
Only fools rush in, right? Wrong! Anyone in love has fallen into a state of misconception. Luckily, ignorance is bliss, so we remain satisfied. Just try not to lose mental strength when you’re around the one you love.
“I [understand] Valentine’s Day, as a concept. The naked baby shoots you with an arrow and you fall in love.” – Trevor Noah
Cupid’s arrow is a strong one that always hits its target. You will be hit by those arrows one day. The question is, how will you react when you are? The goal is to let that arrow do its job.
“Today is Valentine’s Day. Or, as men like to call it, Extortion Day.” – Sophie Monroe
We’re not saying it’s true, but! Valentine’s Day was created by a joint effort from the candy and card companies. Their goal? To make more money by convincing us we need to spend money in February on the person we love. Or else.
“I feel bad for people who die on Valentine’s Day. How much would flowers cost them, 10 grand?” – Jay Leno
We can throw flower companies into the mix with card companies and candy companies. Flowers are priced higher on Valentine’s Day. Why? Everyone needs a nice bouquet of flowers or else they don’t love their partner. So they say…
“It wasn’t love at first sight. It took a full five minutes.” – Lucille Ball
Well, at least you gave it 5 minutes Lucy. But the idea of love at first sight has vanished somewhat. Still, we can fall in love fairly quickly and nothing’s wrong with that.
“Valentine’s Day money-saving tips – Break up on February 1st, get back together on the 15th.” – David Letterman
This is probably the best financial advice you could get. Let’s not forget to take breaks during other holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays as well. It will be a rocky relationship, filled with excitement and more funny Valentines quotes.

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